The world is at its most challenging time in modern history. Faced with the difficulties of a block of cultural, technological and economic transformations, since the beginning of last year, it has been presented with a dramatic pandemic that involves almost all countries and spreads pain, fear and death. A harsh context that imposes on the union struggle a new way of seeing priorities, problems and solutions.
There is a reality that has appeared to us absolutely unique and unexpected, demanding from us, on this date of such strong symbolism for the workers of the world, the ability to build different understandings when reflecting on the moment. Although historical problems have not yet been overcome, new guidelines have been added, which recommend a rearticulation of forces and intelligences to be inserted in the debate that has always taken place with entrepreneurs.
The fight for better wages, job security and decent general working conditions must remain strong and, as it always has been, in line with priorities. It turns out that it must add to a set of needs added by the post-pandemic world, in which, more than ever, health care for workers must be at the forefront.
A happy and optimistic May Day to all of us.
José Jesus Trabulo de Sousa
President Federación Latinoamericana de Trabajadores Bancarios de Seguros y Afines (FELATRABS)
2021-04-30 Mensaje de 1º de mayo de 2021 – es