On 01 October the EZA General Assembly took place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Current EZA president Luc Van den Brande was reelected for another mandate of four years. The World Organization of Workers – WOW congratulates Luc Van den Brande with his reelection and wishes him a good term.
Bjørn van Heusden, Executive Secretary of the WOW was reelected as member of the EZA Council.
The full EZA Board consists of the following persons.
Luc Van den Brande (beweging.net / Belgium)
Piergiorgio Sciacqua (MCL-EFAL / Italy)
Bogdan Hossu (Fund. Coresi – Cartel Alfa / Romania)
Maria Reina Martin (FIDESTRA / Portugal)
Herbert Metzger (AZK-CSP / Germany)
Veselin Mitov (PODKREPA / Bulgaria)
Joseph Thouvenel (CFTC / France)
Norbert Schnedl (ÖZA / Austria)
Further members
João Paulo Branco (CFTL / Portugal)
Bjørn van Heusden (WOW-Europe / Europe)
Silviu Traian Ispas (IFES / Romania)
Carien Neven (euromf / Belgium)
Jovita Pretzsch (LPS „Solidarumas“ / Lithuania)
Aneta Szczykutowicz (EDS-FNS / Poland)
Bert van Caelenberg (EUROFEDOP / Europe)
Alfonso Luzzi (FEDER.AGRI. / Italy)
Heidi Rabensteiner (AFB / Italy)
The World Organization of Workers – WOW congratulates all on their election.