Yuriy Kurylo elected as new President of VOST “VOLYA”

Last December, a conference of the Trade Union “VOLYA” – a territorial organization of the All-Ukrainian Union of Workers’ Solidarity “VOLYA” (VOST “VOLYA”) – was held in the city of Lviv, Ukraine.

VOST “VOLYA” is a member-organization of the World Organization of Workers – WOW and the European Federation of Employees in Public Services – EUROFEDOP.

After the sad passing away of Oleksandr Dzhulyk, the founder and long-time President of VOST “VOLYA”, there was a need to elect a new President, a new Vice-President and a new Committee.

During the conference the delegates elected the President, the Vice-President, and the new Committee of Trade Union composition. In addition they resolved several other important legal and organizational issues.

The delegates elected the Committee of VOST in the following composition with the following distribution of responsibilities:

• Yuriy Kurylo – President
• Yaroslav Kovalyshyn – Vice-President
• Kateryna Sukhorebska – Member of the Committee
• Lyudmyla Vysotska – Member of the Committee

The members of the Committee unanimously emphasized that they will continue the regarding the proper protection of the rights of members of Trade Union “VOLYA” and the representation of their interests work as initiated by Oleksandr Dzhulyk. It was also emphasized that martial law is not a reason to violate the rights of workers and trade unions. On the contrary, now, during the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, more mutual understanding, more Social Dialogue, and more respect for the dignity of workers is needed.

The World Organization of Workers congratulates Yuriy Kurylo with his election as President and wishes VOST all the best in realizing their goals.

About WOW

WOW was founded as a Social Christian trade union and finds inspiration in the spiritual believe that man and universe were created by God or by persuasions coinciding with that. The increase of intercultural contacts provided opportunities for the WOW to expand and broaden its view with visions of other religious backgrounds. WOW does so in a joint attempt to build a world community based on freedom, dignity, justice and solidarity.

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