EZA celebrates its 40th anniversary: Together for a future of social justice

29 January 2025 – 40 years of EZA: A vision for Europe’s future

On 29 January 2029 EZA celebrated its 40th anniversary! Since its foundation in 1985, EZA has stood for the strengthening of social dialogue in Europe and has been committed to the just and sustainable development of the world of work. In a world beset by insecurity and multiple crises, their commitment to social justice and a strong social dimension in European politics is more important than ever. Its guiding philosophy is based on the principles of Christian social teaching: human dignity, solidarity, subsidiarity and sustainability.
On 29 January 1985, EZA was officially established at a founding assembly held at the European Parliament in Brussels. At that time, 10 organisations from 10 countries – 8 members and 2 observers – joined forces to lay the foundation for the European Centre for Workers’ Questions. Today, 40 years later, EZA has 71 member organisations in 29 countries – an impressive development and a sign of the stability and relevance of the network, which has been growing constantly for over a decade.

EZA is thankful to everyone who has helped and supported the network so far.

Over the past 40 years, EZA has organised more than 2,000 training seminars in response to the needs of the world of work. EZA is particularly proud of the fact that they have trained around 100,000 representatives of trade unions and workers’ organisations across Europe since 1996. These figures show that EZA is a strong partner for social justice and dialogue in Europe.

Political challenges and the role of social dialogue

The social dialogue is not only a pillar of the European social model, but also a guarantor that economic progress goes hand in hand with social fairness. With the new political agenda of the European Commission under Ursula von der Leyen, which focuses on competitiveness, digital transformation and ecological sustainability, the European social dialogue is becoming an indispensable instrument for making these ambitious goals socially acceptable. In this regard, EZA shares the same general objectives as the European Commission (Articles 152–155 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). EZA seeks to achieve these objectives through capacity building and research at the European level.

The social dialogue, which EZA has been promoting through its educational work for 40 years, offers a platform for meeting these challenges. It brings together employers, employees and political decision-makers to develop solutions that promote social justice, democracy and competitiveness. This dialogue is not an alternative to the market economy – it is its necessary partner in preventing social conflict and strengthening the resilience of European society.

EZA: Partner of European politics

EZA trains participants to build bridges between political institutions, employee organisations and employers in their workplaces. Its mission is based on the principles of the European social model: social cohesion, equal rights for men and women, strengthening democracy and respect for the dignity of each individual. EZA will continue to work actively to ensure that the social dialogue remains anchored in the EU’s political guidelines and acts as a driving force for stability and justice.

40 years of EZA – a message to Europe

EZA has clear goals for their future that show them the way. Their education and network programmes will increasingly focus on preparing the social partners for the challenges of digital and ecological transformation. At the same time, EZA is constantly working to ensure that social issues continue to play a central role at the European level – even in times when the focus is on economic competitiveness and geopolitical interests.

EZA’s anniversary is a moment of pride, but also a call to take responsibility. The European social dialogue is not a foregone conclusion. It needs strong political support and the active engagement of all parties involved. Only in this way can we strengthen social cohesion and lead Europe into a future based on justice, solidarity and sustainability.

The World Organization of Workers – WOW is proud to be a member of EZA and to participate and contribute to its network.

Source: https://www.eza.org/en/news/items/eza-feiert-40-jaehriges-bestehen-gemeinsam-in-die-zukunft-der-sozialen-gerechtigkeit

About WOW

WOW was founded as a Social Christian trade union and finds inspiration in the spiritual believe that man and universe were created by God or by persuasions coinciding with that. The increase of intercultural contacts provided opportunities for the WOW to expand and broaden its view with visions of other religious backgrounds. WOW does so in a joint attempt to build a world community based on freedom, dignity, justice and solidarity.

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