Employees of ING are going to experiment with a flexible CLA, with a leading role for work happiness. The CBA-parties have reached a CLA-result.
“Together we will look for better ways to combine work with all sorts of other challenges: training, informal care, care for children. A pool of so-called ‘deliverers of work happiness’ (werkgelukbrengers) within ING will contribute to this », said negotiator Ike Wiersinga of CNV Vakmensen.
Two-year Collective Labour Agreement
It concerns a two-year Collective Labour Agreement (from the 1st of January 2019 until the 1st of January 2021) for the approximately 15.000 employees of the bank. For the first time the CLA has a flexible character, says Wiersinga. « In addition to a number of firm agreements, for example on the increase of wages, we want to give a lot of room for ideas that contribute to work happiness in the coming years. How do you combine work with all sorts of other important issues that demand attention, for example in cases when it is about your own development or care tasks? When you organize this well with each, employees will feel valued and recognized and then they are also willing to go the extra mile without complaining. It is a win-win situation, both for the employees as well as for ING. »
Deliverers of work happiness
The bank puts money aside, approximately 4 million Euro per year, for the introduction of a pool of ‘deliverers of work happiness’. The CNV-negotiator: « The deliverers of work happiness can ensure that colleagues get some time and space for something else: training, informal care, care for children. They do not have to feel burdened that their work will remain untouched – because that will be taken over temporarily.  »
How things stands with the work happiness at ING is constantly measured with a work-pressure monitor, says Wiersinga. « That gives a clear picture, which enables us to keep a close eye on things. »
The employees are given a pay-rise twice: 3% at the 1st of September 2019 and another 3% at the 1st of September 2020. In addition, on the 1st of April 2020 the workers receive a single payment of 0.75%.
Wiersinga is satisfied: « It’s a good result, with as particularity that employees can also contribute in the process during the period of validity. We are going to try to do a number of things together. If it doesn’t work, we are going to think of alternatives. When something does work, we will fixe this in collective bargaining agreements. »
Source: https://www.cnvvakmensen.nl/wie-we-zijn/nieuws/flexibele-cao-bij-ing-met-hoofdrol-voor-werkgeluk